2010-10-12 @ 08:58:22

halp me get published

och rösta "average" på de här, hehehehe.

Today, I found a text message I sent to a guy several months ago, saying "I love you even though you have chips in your belly button". He's my boyfriend now. I think I've made a good desicion. MLIA

I'm a vegetarian. I can't eat dinosaur shaped nuggets. I'm sad. MLIA

Half a year ago, I went to the cinema with my mum to watch Avatar. On the way back home, we were talking about how great we thought it was when she said "yeah, maybe we've just seen the best movie of the year!". It was quiet for a moment, until I politely pointed out it was January 1st. MLIA

Today, I discovered that when I hold the cursor over a word in Internet Explorer, my computer will automaticly translate it from English to French. My entire computer is set to Swedish. Nice job, computer. MLIA

In Swedish, you say that you "flat" your hair, not "straighten" it. My dad's girlfriend has a bad habit of saying she "straightens" her hair, which wouldn't be so bad if it weren't the exact same word as saying you "shave" you hair. MLIA

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